Another wonderful 4 days with my wee grandbaby. Love it, love it, love her! The weather certainly did not cooperate but we managed regardless. Addy got to meet a live Eastern Shore lobster, hand to claw which she seemed to find quite fascinating until it started flipping it's tail around that is.
Then it was time for Addy and Molly to kick back and relax while watching "Cat in the Hat".
Addy had a special treat one night when her Uncle Dave read her some bedtime stories. Mind you he did tend to stray from the story in the books and made up his own stories which seemed to confuse ponies with bunnies but she didn't mind. :) She loves her Uncle Dave.
On Sunday we had a great time making her Daddy a belated Father's Day gift as she was sick the week before Father's Day and didn't get to make her Daddy something at daycare. She loved helping to make this and giggled away while I put paint on her hands. She helped sponge on some paint as well and of course she kept wanting to paint more and so armed with a "dry" paintbrush went around the house painting everything she could reach. :) The sun finally came out on Monday but Addy decided to have a 4 hour nap and then it was time to take her home. :( Ah well, she is coming for 4 days again in July so hopefully the weather will be better and we can hit the beach. By the way, her Daddy loved his gift.
The following picture is of the beautiful NS Ladyslipper which I love and someone I know picked quite by accident not realising they are rare. This is a plant, like the even rarer trillium, that IS NOT TO BE PICKED as it will not, without allowing its blossom to cycle through, regenerate itself. Consider yourself fortunate when you spot this beauty in the woods. The pink Lady slippers prefer to be in acid soil, and, thus, are the most common Lady slippers to be found throughout Nova Scotia; more frequently, to be found west of the Halifax/Truro line. The pink Lady slipper is one of the earlier wildflowers and blossom only for a couple of short weeks. Look for this pink beauty around the beginning of June.
There are three other Lady sippers which can also be spotted in Nova Scotia, though more difficult to come by: the Yellow Lady Slipper, the Ramshead Lady Slipper and the Showy Lady Slipper. This is a picture of a Dogwood tree that is in my Mom's yard and is her pride and joy and the flowers can be picked :). It is quite spectacular when in full bloom and people are always knocking on her door to ask what kind of tree it is.
The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best. ~ Henry Van Dyke