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Tuesday 10 July 2012

Art Show Success

A few weeks ago I had posted an invite for an Art Show that my sister Rosella was participating in well they had a great showing of people and there were several paintings sold which was fantastic.  Lots of munchies and the wine was flowing.  I dragged along one of my sisters and sister-in-law plus my very dear friend Betty came along.  Of course my sister was the best there "from my point of view" :).


Birthday Girl

Wow, I have so much catch up to do as it has been so busy over the past few weeks but first is Adelyn's 2nd birthday which was on July 1st so all of Canada was celebrating with her.  It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day and Adelyn was graced again this year with the attendance of two of her three great-grandmothers, cousins, friends and family.  She had a great time even though she was a little bit of a roughneck with her play friends who attended.  LOL She was very possesive of her toys and family but that will change over time.  Her Mommy made cupcakes instead of a cake and I decorated them with an idea I had seen of Pinterest where you take mini marshmallows and cut them in half and shake them in colored sugar cystals and arrange them on top of the cupcakes to look like flowers.  They turned out really pretty and seemed to be a hit with everyone.  Adelyn's Nana and Grandad were over the day before her birthday helping as well, it was a family effort to make her day as special as she is, see I am not the only one who is a slave to her.  LOL we all are swooning at her little toes and she knows it!  But how can you love a child too much I ask, you can't, so we will continue along our merry way, swooning at every smile, kiss or hug she bestows upon us.