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Monday, 16 January 2012

Baby it's cold outside

Sunday was a nice relaxing day, my BFF stayed until about 1pm and as she was driving down the road my sister was pulling into the driveway for a visit.  Yumm, more tea and I could put off painting, I mean it would be rude to paint walls while one has company, right.  As my sister was getting ready to leave I had a lady knocking on my door regarding the wind turbine project and they are petitioning the location.  I am all for wind energy but I do think the wind farms need to located where they are not causing health issues.  So the long and short of it is, by the time everyone had stopped coming by the light was not good for painting.  I felt so bad..... NOT.

I have come down with my dear grandaughter's cold and I am hardly ever sick.. knock on wood but Murphy's Law is that I would get sick when I started a new job today.  Aggghhhh.  Ah well, right now it is mostly online training which I am doing from home so I am not infecting others and can sneeze and blow my nose in private. Hopefully by end of week it will be history.

So in between painting walls and staying at my Mom's 2 nights this week my goal is to finish a chairpad I had hooked for a wooden rocking chair that was my daughters when she was a wee lassie.  I refinished the chair and have the chairpad hooked but I had tried out a new backing which was not good at all.  Now I need to somehow fix the edges so they stay, I am thinking of using a bonding agent to adhere the loops on the underside to another piece of wool and sewing the loops together on top.  See the picture below and any suggestions on how to fix this would be welcomed, I really don't want to redo the whole dang chairpad.


Wendy :)

"Every day may not be good... but there is something good in every day."

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